Everyday Ed: Chatbot Who Educates for Better Living 💬

May, 2024

Mental Health

As awareness of mental health grows, the demand for effective support tools rises, especially among younger demographics. This project presents "Everyday Ed", a mood and habit tracking system utilizing Meta developer tools and a customized visualization dashboard.

Grounded in the five-stage model of personal informatics systems, "Everyday Ed" offers tailored experiences with four predefined personalities and optional user-customized bad habit tracking. The system allows users to easily track their daily moods and habits through a chat interface, and provides personalized visualizations in the dashboard to empower users in monitoring and enhancing their mental health.

Everyday Ed chat interface

User evaluations showed a high appreciation for the intuitive nature of tracking via a chatbot. However, while the prototype does well in the preparation, collection, and reflection stages of the model, future iterations should aim to enhance the action stage by offering proactive suggestions to the users.

The code is available on GitHub or you can play with the proposed system at the project's website here.

Everyday Ed visualization dashboard